Friday, May 2, 2014

Easter, Part 2

After the farm picnic, we drove to San Antonio and stayed with Geep and Pop. Luckily the Easter Bunny found us there, though Spencer was a little surprised (disappointed) that he only left Spencer's basket outside on a bench rather than hidden behind a tree or something like that. Also, Spencer woke up at the crack of dawn, which you can probably tell from the pics and video! I have a sneaking suspicion that the Easter Bunny barely made it by La Vista Drive in time...

There was also Geep and Pop's annual scavenger hunt to help Spencer find his basket from them. This year he graduated from picture clues to written clues that he read. Here's just one of the clues:

 Then we had breakfast and got ready for church.

At church there was another egg hunt, then we had a nice lunch with Geep and Pop.

Funny: I didn't have Spencer try on his new pants since they were a brand/size he's worn before. Well, I could barely get those suckers buttoned! They were so tight - but he was a trooper, which was lucky because Mama didn't bring any other pants. :)

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