Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It Must Be That Time of Year

Sunday night when I was reading to Spencer before bedtime we had this convo:

Spencer: "Uh-oh. Can't hear him!"

Me: "Can't hear who?"

Spencer: "Daddy. Where's Daddy?"

Me: "Oh, he's probably in his office."

Spencer: "Yeah. Prob-ly watching football."

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Fair

Spencer made his first trip to the Brazoria County Fair this weekend. We had a great time wandering around the fairgrounds Saturday afternoon with Grannie, Paw-Paw, Aunt Renee and cousin Steven. We thought he might want to try a ride or two, but he decided to wait until next year when he's a little bigger. Spencer and Grannie won a stuffed animal on the midway, then he had a blast at the petting zoo and looking at all the champion cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs and rabbits!

Dave and I went back to the fair later that evening and had so much fun. He's heard me go on and on about the fair for 12 years - I can't believe this it the first time we've gone. We ate a funnel cake and corn dogs, checked out the exhibits and art show, rode the Ferris wheel and went down the big slide a couple of times. Super fun date night!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quotes of the Week

Sometimes I wish there was a video camera pointed at Spencer 24x7. This is such a fun phase and I want to capture all the neat, funny, sweet things he says. Here are a couple of gems I remembered to write down this week.

When we wake up in the mornings, I always tell him that we really need to try to sleep until the sun comes up. Yesterday, we got up a little before 5:00 (UGH!), then lay down in the guest room and fell back asleep. When he woke up again around 7:15 he exclaimed, "Oh! Sun came on!"

Spencer likes to play with my hair. Sometimes he'll start smoothing it out along my shoulders and chest and say, "Make hair like a waterfall." Love that imagination.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sweet Berry Farm

We drove out to Marble Falls on Sunday to visit Sweet Berry Farm. A good idea in theory...but the reality was 90 degree heat and thousands of other people with the same idea. We stayed long enough to pet some goats and check out all the neat pumpkins. Would love to go back on a weekday when it's cooler - just something not right about visiting a pumpkin patch when it's that dang hot!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Potty Training and Other Bodily Functions

We've been taking a very casual approach to potty training Spencer. Just talking about it a little, letting him help flush the contents of his diaper when we can, and letting him come into the bathroom with us, etc. Week before last, he peed a little in his potty before he got into the bathtub, and now every night before bath he stands at his potty and does his business. We weren't sure whether to teach him to sit or stand, but he seemed to gravitate toward standing, and it's working out. He even puts his hands on the wall and leans against it - we're talking serious cuteness! I'm not sure if we'll have to ramp up our efforts or if this casual method will keep progressing. We just keep telling him "pee-pee goes in the potty" and "poop goes in the potty" like it's no big deal, just a fact.

I also love his honesty about bodily functions. He's announced (loudly) several times at restaurants and other public places lately, "I tooted!" And last night he made some "bubbles" in the tub. His daddy said, "Did you toot?" and Spencer replied, "Make bubbles like a fish. Maybe in booty!"

Spencer, if you are reading this years from now, I apologize if I've embarrassed you! But these things are just sweet to your mommy and I want to remember them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First Amusement Park Rides

Spencer rode a carousel, some little cars and boats, a train and a Ferris Wheel at Kiddie Acres on his birthday. Here's a couple of videos.

First Pony Ride

Some videos of Spencer's ride on Copper the pony.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Make a Wish

Spencer's 2nd birthday party was on Saturday. He had so much fun and received lots of neat toys, clothes and books from his friends and family. He loved playing with his toddler and "big boy" guests: Piper, Beckett, Sarah, Pearl, Jessie, Cooper, Elliott and Lee.

It was a beautiful day to celebrate our boy. So thankful to have such great friends and family join us. Wish we had taken more pictures!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Card!

Our sweet boy turned two today and we had a great time celebrating. We actually slept in until 7:00 (after an initial 5:00 wake-up), then we gave Spencer his gift - a groovy little play kitchen with pots, pans, food, etc.

We also opened some gifts from the Loves, including new Legos and more wooden food that goes great with the kitchen (coincidence, by the way). Geep and Pop came over at lunchtime, and of course they were bearing gifts too, including a Sit & Spin and fun memory game. Then we all went to Kiddie Acres, an old amusement park that is a big hit with the Austin kiddos. It was deserted - we practically had the place to ourselves. Spencer rode some little cars, boats, a train, merry-go-round, Ferris wheel and even a pony. He was very serious about the rides, but he had fun once he loosened up a bit.

Spencer played putt-putt golf for the first time, too. He was actually pretty good - I think he could beat me. He made two holes in two shots! Daddy and Pop really got a kick out of watching their future golfing buddy learning the ropes.

After Kiddie Acres, we went to Dong Nai (The Donger) for dinner. We ate dinner there on Spencer's birthday last year and took a self-portrait at 6:28 p.m., so we might be starting a tradition with those two things.

Spencer kept saying, "Happy birthday card" and "two years old" today. I think he had a fun day and sorta understood what the hubbub was about. Happy birthday, Spencer. You are such a joy and blessing to your daddy and me. We love you more than you could ever know!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The View from Down Here

Spencer likes to play with my camera and sometimes that results in some interesting photos. Here are a few of my favorites.