Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quotes of the Week

Sometimes I wish there was a video camera pointed at Spencer 24x7. This is such a fun phase and I want to capture all the neat, funny, sweet things he says. Here are a couple of gems I remembered to write down this week.

When we wake up in the mornings, I always tell him that we really need to try to sleep until the sun comes up. Yesterday, we got up a little before 5:00 (UGH!), then lay down in the guest room and fell back asleep. When he woke up again around 7:15 he exclaimed, "Oh! Sun came on!"

Spencer likes to play with my hair. Sometimes he'll start smoothing it out along my shoulders and chest and say, "Make hair like a waterfall." Love that imagination.


Patty said...

Such a sweetie!

Cahills said...

he's so brilliant. what a little creative!!!