Monday, November 22, 2010

Boogie Fever

Somebody sure does like to dance.

In his room with Geep...

And at the ranch...

I think that video cut off right when it was getting good!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Running the Bases

Running the bases 3 or 4 times in a row is hard work for a little guy.

Running the Bases from Susan Rives Horridge on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quotes of the Month

I've been trying to remember to write down some of the sweet things that Spencer has been saying lately. Here's a little sample.

After his last overnight trip to the ranch: "I missed you at the ranch. I missed you in the sandbox."

While reading his Corduroy Easter book: "I want to eat a picnic outside." And then when we got to the part about chocolate bunnies: "I want to bite them."

While holding up a pretzel during lunch: "Oh! Looks like a heart!"

While lying in my lap one night before bedtime: "Blue eyes. Mommy has blue eyes." (Yes, my heart melted on that one...)

I'm in Minnesota this week, and this morning I received a sweet little video that goes along with this today's theme.

Message to Mommy from Susan Rives Horridge on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Little Helper

Spencer and I made chicken enchiladas for dinner last night. He filled the tortillas with chicken, cheese and spinach leaves and I rolled 'em up. He is such a good little helper in the kitchen. He shows such an interest when I'm cooking that I try to let him climb up and observe or help when possible, even though I must admit at times I just want to shoo him out of there so I can hurry up and be done! But slowing down and being in the moment is what it's all about, right? And it's usually pretty fun.

Since we're on the subject of food, I have to say how funny it is to look back at all the worrying I did over Spencer's eating months ago. I was sure I had a picky eater on my hands (which most certainly was a result of some grave error I made in introducing foods!), when in fact he was just not ready to branch out until recently. Now he will at least try just about anything we offer him, and he usually likes it. I think he's hitting a growth spurt because the boy has been putting away some groceries!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loving the Time Change

We are loving the time change around here. Spencer slept until after 6:30 a.m. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and today he woke up just a little earlier. He even took a nap in his crib while Geep was here today. (David has been taking Spencer on 6+ mile walks for his nap for months and we are needing to make the transition to crib before winter arrives...)

Anyway, after music class this afternoon, Spencer and I walked over to Butler Park for a little while. He ran up and down the hills, played with some dogs, marveled at seeing the moon, watched a choo-choo train go by, climbed on big rocks and listened to me when I asked him not to run into the Liz Carpenter fountain (whew!). When we got home, we ate dinner, skipped bath and went straight to pajamas and books. When we finished the last book, Spencer got out of the chair, walked over to his crib and tried to climb inside. I placed him inside the crib and he said, "Night-night. Sweet dreams."

This time change is agreeing with the Horridges.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Spencer's 3rd Halloween was the best one yet (no chicken pox this year either!). He was the cutest little cowboy. We went to a neighborhood party on Saturday, which was a great trial-run for the costume experience.

On Halloween evening we trick-or-treated in our neighborhood and Spencer caught on really fast - after trying to barge into all the houses at first. He kept his hat on the entire time and even carried his stick horse and pumpkin. We had so much fun watching him figure out what all of this Halloween business was all about.