Monday, August 19, 2013

Fun Weekend

Daddy and Spencer spent all day together Saturday because I was having a girls' weekend with Susan, Susan and Jenni. They headed to Butler Park early that morning for some remote control car action. Then they tried the Pitch and Putt course for the first time. Spencer absolutely loved playing "real" golf.

We hit another milestone on Sunday: First movie in a theater! I know Spencer has gone to a couple of IMAX movies, but Planes was his first full-length film in a theater. He liked it and said he wants to go see it again.
After the movie there was a quick stop at Amy's Ice Creams next door followed by browsing at TreeHouse. Most 4-year-olds love looking at cabinetry, back splashes and faucets, right? I think he could spend hours in there. Cracks me up.
And this picture is actually from Thursday evening, but I had to share. What a grown-up looking little prep. Be still my heart! And if you can believe, he styled that outfit. He wanted to wear a "nice shirt" to go with those "nice shorts." And of course the ever-present driving moccasins. We are on the hunt for a new pair - these (which were hand-me-downs from our friend Camp, as are the shorts in this pic) are showing a lot of wear-and-tear and are getting too small.

Hard to believe he's not starting kindergarten this year. Just looking so big lately. Love him!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Adventures in Mass Transit

Spencer has been talking about riding a city bus lately, so while he was at school Wednesday, Daddy downloaded the bus schedule and planned a little adventure. The guys jumped on the 338 near our house and rode to Bailey Park at Lamar and 33rd Street. The park has a splash pad, so Spencer stripped down to his skivvies and cooled off. Then they caught the bus back home about an hour later. A nice way to spend a hot summer afternoon!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Little Helping Hands

Today Spencer and I volunteered at Meals on Wheels through an organization called Little Helping Hands. As you might guess, Little Helping Hands helps children and parents get involved in community service activities.

We went to the MOW headquarters for an orientation, during which Spencer made some cards to deliver with our meals. Then we collected our food and were on our way. I grabbed these pictures from Little Helping Hands' Shutterfly account.

A couple of funny things. First, the training video we watched showed lots of hugging and chatting during deliveries. Spencer was a little disappointed that we didn't have that type of experience. We only had three deliveries to make and there wasn't any embracing going on! I tried to explain that if a stranger came to our door, we probably wouldn't be too keen on hugging them either. The last woman did at least speak to us for a couple of seconds. Second, and I know this is probably going to sound terrible, we weren't in the best part of town for these deliveries. I just felt a little nervous at our last stop because there was a group of people standing in the middle of the road a block or so over; cars would stop, one of the guys would lean way into it, then the car would leave. I could only assume what was going on...probably asking for directions, right? If we do it again, I'd feel more comfortable if Dave joined us.

But that said, MOW is a great organization and I loved that Spencer and I had the chance to deliver food to people in need. I'm really excited to be connected with Little Helping Hands now!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Brenham, Texas

We had a nice little overnight stay in Brenham last weekend. One of my besties, Alison, has a family home there. I met her there a few months ago for a quick girls' night catchup, and we decided then that we'd return soon with our families. Glad we made it happen!

Spencer and Garrett, who had only met once before 2 years ago, hit off from the start. They did lots of grasshopper hunting, remote control car driving, iPod Touch-ing, LEGO-ing, and general crazy-little-boy-runing-around-ing.
Catching grasshoppers.
Electronics break.

Spencer (4.75), Kenzie (almost 12), Garrett (7)
Best of friends since 5th grade. Disclaimer: We were working with major humidity and heat.
Leaving friends is hard and sad sometimes.
I realized after we got home that Alison's daughter, Kenzie, is the age Alison and I were when we met. It's such a neat experience to have lifelong friends and then see your own kids together. Speaking of Kenzie, she demonstrated a cool face swapping app on her phone that produced this image that will be forever burned into your brain...
I look like a combo of Jane Lynch and the Deliverance kid.
Alison, Tom and the kids had to leave mid-morning, so we decided to head into Brenham for a little shopping and an early lunch at Must Be Heaven. While we were in line, Spencer picked up a brochure for Horseshoe Junction - a little amusement park type place with putt-putt, go-karts, etc. He really made a case for going, so we decided why not? (Well one reason to have not gone was the EXTREME HEAT, but we soldiered on.)

First there was putt-putt.
Daddy and Spencer on the bumper boats.
Getting ready to race (yes, Mommy was just a little bit nervous).

Mini bowling - I had never heard of this but it was really fun.
He got a strike! No bumpers either!
Slingshot jumper (not a lot of slinging action...).
Awesome weekend with friends! Can't wait to go back to Brenham this fall.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lake LBJ

We had a mini family reunion at Lake LBJ again this summer. The Bullocks have been going there for years, and they invited us to come out to meet the newest addition to the family, baby Allison.We stayed with Geep and Pop at a property within walking distance so it was perfect.

Geep, Allison and Spencer meeting for the first time
Uncle Gary took us for a boat ride and we anchored at a place where you could stand in the water and feel the sand in your toes. Back where the Bullocks were staying, we played in the water, Spencer and Daddy went on a jet ski ride, and Spencer slid down (or should I say, jumped off) a big water slide on the deck. He would creep down the slide, then leap off the end.

After we said our goodbyes Sunday, the three of us decided to go lunch and then Longhorn Cavern since it was right down the road.

Listening to the guide's instructions
Going underground is so cool
Hard to get a good pic in there
Not sure what we're seeing... maybe a bat?
After the cave tour
Observation tower

 Another fun summer weekend!