Friday, January 30, 2009

16 Weeks - Time Flies

It's hard to believe Spencer is already 16 weeks old. He'll hit the four-month mark next Friday. David and I are having such a blast with him. We all seem to have found a rhythm, and while we're not on a strict schedule, things are definitely getting more predictable. What have we been up to...

We had a lovely day at the park across from Lady Bird Lake the weekend before last. Spencer just loves wearing those sunglasses—it's so funny!

Grannie came to visit last weekend. This was a momentous occasion—the first time she has ever driven to Austin alone. Keep in mind that I have lived here since 1994 or so, but it took a new grandson for her to take the plunge. We were very proud of her! She had lots of fun loving on the boy.

Spencer has gotten really good at rolling over and jumping in the Jumpster (we need new video of that!). He is also very focused on sucking on his hands, fingers and toys...pre-teething perhaps? Say it ain't so!

Here's a video I shot of Spencer hanging out in his crib one day. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gratuitous Cute Baby Pic

I couldn't resist posting this. Happy Thursday - it's a beautiful one in South Austin!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Staying Warm...and Cool

It's been a fairly quiet week. No encephalitis scares! We met the Poage 4 for breakfast on Sunday. All three babies were very well-behaved and let us have a nice long visit.

Other than that, we've just been adjusting to me working again, and trying to stay warm...and cool. Spencer has that under control.

Oh yeah—here's a link to the the video I promised last time. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jump Around

No, Spencer didn't just parachute in from space—he's trying out his Graco Jumpster for the first time. Now that he can hold his head up really well and his feet touch the floor, Daddy could finally hook up this fun toy. I'll post some video soon... Notice that gorgeous sunset in the background (click the image to enlarge it).

Spencer hit the 3-month mark on Tuesday. To celebrate, we took him to get two vaccinations. Boo! That afternoon turned into one of our first freak-out parenting moments. Spencer woke up from a nap screaming bloody murder—it was a scream like we had never heard before, and it ended up lasting for an hour. Sounded like he was in terrible pain. We knew that he could feel bad from the shots, but nothing would calm him down and we were getting really nervous (and I was crying as much as Spencer). After consulting my vaccine book, I was convinced he had encephalitis! Dave talked to the nurse and she assured us that he most likely did not have swelling of the brain. :) Nothing like jumping to the worst case scenario, Mom! After a dose of Baby Tylenol, he calmed down enough for me to feed him, and then he fell asleep. It's so hard to watch your baby be in pain and not know what he needs.

Check back soon—I hope to post some videos in the next couple of days.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Rolling Along in 2009

Happy New Year everyone!

Today the three of us met one of my old friends from middle/high school (thank you, FaceBook!) and her husband and new baby (born 3 weeks after Spence) at Whole Foods. We had such a great visit and had fun comparing notes on babies. When we got home, Spencer was hanging out on his playmat. I left the room for maybe 30 seconds and when I came back I found this:

I couldn't believe I missed him rolling over for the first time! At least I had the camera close by and could capture the moment for Dave, who was out buying diapers and recycling the Christmas tree. I haven't checked the baby book yet, but I think rolling over just shy of 3 months old is pretty good!

Also, for those of you who didn't see the link on the left side of the page, please check out the video Dave made. Be sure to turn up the volume!