Friday, January 24, 2014

Icepocalypse 2014

As much as we hoped and prayed to wake up to snow this morning, we had to settle for ice with a little dusting of snow on top. Spencer looked outside and was so disappointed. He really wanted to have enough snow to have a snowball fight and hit me in the face with some (direct quote). The city shut down because of the icy roads. None of us had to be anywhere today, so it's just felt like a regular Friday around here.

Spencer and I went outside around 8:00 to check out everything. We saw some icicles and lots of icy patches. Daddy's truck bed had a lot of ice in it, too. Not the snow we had hoped for, but still fun to experience wintery stuff in these parts.

Oh, I almost forgot that Spencer wanted to slide down the driveway. Not nearly as exciting as what we did back in 2011, but here's a little peek (kinda pathetic!):

We'll be back in the 70s this weekend, but more cold temps are ahead next week. Stay warm!

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