Saturday, February 2, 2013

Flight of the Butterflies

Today was absolutely gorgeous and we had some wonderful family time. We took Spencer to see his first movie in a theater—and a 3D IMAX no less! We saw Flight of the Butterflies at the Bob Bullock Museum and it was a spectacular movie about the migration of monarch butterflies. It was so cute to see him reach out to try to grab the butterflies (heck, I did, too!). He did announce about 35 minutes in that he was ready for it to be over, but lucky for him it was only 44 minutes long. He already wants to go back to see another IMAX movie about a steam train traveling through the Canadian Rockies.

I packed lunch for us, so after the movie we walked over to the lawn of the Capitol and had a picnic. We blew bubbles and played tag, hide-n-seek and football. I filmed Spencer doing some place kicking and got put in my place for not being fully present. Message received!

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