Friday, January 29, 2010

Cabela's: The Poor Man's Museum/Aquarium

Paw-Paw told us that Cabela's has a giant aquarium, so since it was too rainy to go on a walk yesterday, Daddy took Spencer on a field trip to Buda, TX to check it out. Not only does the store have a massive aquarium, it also has all kinds of stuffed wildlife set up in little vignettes museum-style. The best part is Spencer came home with a fun plush "shish."


The Mitchell Family said...

It is crazy, but we go to Cabela's quite often for camping gear, and we are always amazed at the number of people who are there not to shop, but to look at all the stuffed dead animals, so yes... it is as much a museum as a gear store. rri

Patty said...

Looks like he caught his first fish to me.