Friday, January 15, 2010

Beep-Beep! 15-Month Report

Spencer had his 15-month checkup this week. He weighs 26 pounds and is 34 inches tall. The boy is almost 3 feet tall! His weight has been slowly tapering off the last few visits—75th percentile—which is actually great. Height is still above 95th. It's looking like he's gonna be a tall drink of water.


At the risk of bragging (but really, isn't that what a mommy blog is all about??), Spencer is talking up a storm. We've been making a list of the words he says, and it's more than 50 now. Some of his favorites are scarecrow, cup, tractor, truck, jet and bongo. There are also words he doesn't actually say, but that he knows. For example, we'll ask him where the monkey, elephant, seal, etc., are on a puzzle or block and he can point them out, but he doesn't necessarily say those words. He is constantly amazing us and it's so much fun to witness all this learning.

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