Sunday, March 8, 2009

Five Months Old

Spencer turned 5 months old on March 6th. He is really getting big. He's starting to sit up on his own, sleeping on his side, getting lots more hair, and we still suspect he's teething but no firm evidence yet. I realized this week that I waited too long to start dressing him in his 6-9 month gear—it's almost all too small. We are anxious to find out his weight Tuesday when we go in for some vaccinations.

Quick updates since last post:

Grannie and Pawpaw came to help out with Spencer while Dave had a belated 40th birthday golfing extravaganza with some buddies. Great-Grandma Hill got to stop by, too. While they were here, Dave and I had our first outing since Spencer came on the scene. Okay, it was only for 1.5 hours and Spencer was asleep the whole time, but it was a big deal to us! Baby steps...

Aunt Carol came to Austin from NY to meet Spencer. They really hit it off and we all had a great visit. We also went to San Antonio to see Geep and Pop—Spencer's first trip to their house.

Spencer has started to take an interest in our cats. He lunged for Olive on the bed the other day, and this weekend he grabbed the top of her head. He also let out a big belly laugh at Henry. I'm afraid those kitties don't know what's about to hit them.

I updated the January-February photo album and added a March photo album on Picasa. I'll add more photos during the month.

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