Today the three of us met one of my old friends from middle/high school (thank you, FaceBook!) and her husband and new baby (born 3 weeks after Spence) at Whole Foods. We had such a great visit and had fun comparing notes on babies. When we got home, Spencer was hanging out on his playmat. I left the room for maybe 30 seconds and when I came back I found this:
I couldn't believe I missed him rolling over for the first time! At least I had the camera close by and could capture the moment for Dave, who was out buying diapers and recycling the Christmas tree. I haven't checked the baby book yet, but I think rolling over just shy of 3 months old is pretty good!
Also, for those of you who didn't see the link on the left side of the page, please check out the video Dave made. Be sure to turn up the volume!
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