Spencer hit the 3-month mark on Tuesday. To celebrate, we took him to get two vaccinations. Boo! That afternoon turned into one of our first freak-out parenting moments. Spencer woke up from a nap screaming bloody murder—it was a scream like we had never heard before, and it ended up lasting for an hour. Sounded like he was in terrible pain. We knew that he could feel bad from the shots, but nothing would calm him down and we were getting really nervous (and I was crying as much as Spencer). After consulting my vaccine book, I was convinced he had encephalitis! Dave talked to the nurse and she assured us that he most likely did not have swelling of the brain. :) Nothing like jumping to the worst case scenario, Mom! After a dose of Baby Tylenol, he calmed down enough for me to feed him, and then he fell asleep. It's so hard to watch your baby be in pain and not know what he needs.
Check back soon—I hope to post some videos in the next couple of days.
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