Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yard Sale Crafting

Yesterday morning we all went to breakfast at Kerbey Lane. On the way home we saw signs for a yard sale down the street, so Spencer and I walked down there to inspect the goods. We bought a big tub of construction paper, a birdhouse kit (Spencer's idea) and a salad spinner. Yep, a good old fashioned salad spinner. I've been meaning to get one to do an art project - sort of a homemade version of the cool spin art we would do at the fair when I was little.

We had so much fun with spin art that we did it again this morning. Now to figure out how to display them... 

Today Daddy and Spencer assembled the birdhouse we bought. Spencer was so careful hammering the nails and did a great job.

They painted a base coat and then later when Piper was over visiting she helped them with their camouflage paint technique. It came out really cute and now we have a sweet little birdhouse in our yard - along with some "bird duplexes" that Paw-Paw gave us recently.

Other than a party we went to Saturday evening, the weekend was unstructured and slow. I love these kinds of weekends!

1 comment:

  1. We will be copying the craft idea - I used to LOVE those paint spinners when we were little!
