Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fun Age

Having a preschooler makes life so fun. I love seeing the wonder and magic of the world through Spencer's eyes. I get such a kick out of seeing him curious and excited about so many things. For example, last night when we were leaving a restaurant he excitedly pointed out a flashing arrow sign.  I mean we take flashing arrow signs for granted all the time, right? And they're pretty. A nice reminder to slow down and take a look around.

A few recent things I want to remember:
  • Everything happened "2 weeks ago."
  • "Mommy, I love you as I love to eat oatmeal. Amen."
  • "You smell good! Why are you so smelly, Mommy?"
  • When I was preparing for my recent band concert, we listened to a CD of the music we were going to play - a lot! Spencer loved it, especially Peter Gunn. The first time he heard it he said (in a very sly voice), "I can tell I'm gonna like this one..." And now every time we play it in the car he says, "Can you start it over because I REALLY like this." Watching him conduct the music makes me a happy camper.
  • When he won a yo-yo that ended up being broken: "Well Daddy, I guess it's your broken yo-yo now. It's not stable enough for me."
Also memorable but in a different way... Spencer busted out with his first curse word recently. I didn't want to make a big deal of it, but I wanted to know where he heard it. I said, "Spencer, you're not in trouble, but that's just not a nice word and we shouldn't say it. Where did you hear it?" Well, turns out he heard it from Mommy (a long time ago, he said)! Another proud parenting moment... He said it in front of Geep last week, but he hasn't said it since then, other than to tell me he's not going to say that word anymore. Of course, when he tells me that, he says the word! Stinker.

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