In July I emailed everyone I know to tell or remind them them about Spencer's blog. And then I stopped updating it! I don't know why, but I got too overwhelmed to do it this summer. We had a fantastic summer and did so many fun things, so I think I'm going to create a big photo album to share. But until then, let's get to the topic at hand: Kinder!
Spencer became a Barton Hills Eagle kindergartner on August 25. We met his teacher, Mrs. Schroeder, the week before and were super excited to find out that four of his friends are in his class - Violet and Dean from Nature's Way, James from Roz-Mina and Sally who is a neighborhood friend. Plus, Spencer has a couple of other pals in the other two classes, so there are lots of familiar faces around.
As you may or may not know, kindergarten is serious business these days. No more of the wimpy half-day stuff we knew as kids. It's a 7:45am-2:45pm day. That's a pretty big adjustment around here, but it's week two and we seem to have a good routine. Oh, and the awesome news is that I was able to change my work schedule so that I get off at 2:30, pick up the boy and spend the rest of the afternoon with him. Woo hoo!
Thumbs up to kindergarten! |
New outfit, of course! |
Reading about what the first day will be like. |
Geared up. Note: We ordered him a snazzy backpack, but it hasn't come in yet... |
Getting close... |
Down the hall...for the first week we took him to his classroom, but starting this week he gets dropped off at the cafeteria. |
The parents got to leave a special note for their student. |
Getting squared away. |
Mrs. Schroeder and her soon-to-be-favorite student. Ha! |
Hanging out on the rug. |
Snack cubbies! |
It was pretty weird to drop him off. Dave and I joined the other kinder parents in the library for coffee and it was just surreal. Amazingly, I didn't cry. He seemed happy, excited and ready for this new chapter!
Y'all did a fantastic job of preparing him for this big change!!
Yay! The blog is back. He is such a handsome guy! Love the pictures.
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