I haven't been updating Spencer's blog much lately, huh? Will try to do better, starting now with a little weekend roundup. Went to our first birthday party at Build-a-Bear for one of Spencer's classmates on Saturday. I was not looking forward to this event because that store just sort of creeps me out. I think Spencer was a little overwhelmed by all the choices but he ended up having a pretty good time. He came home with a karate bear he named Heart.
After the party we watched the second half of our football game (blah) with Garven, Kit, Patrick and a few other folks. Spencer was such a little gentleman at Kit's house and everyone was commenting on how polite, sweet and fun he was. It was a really great day!
This morning Spencer and I made "cloud dough." This is an activity we will do again for sure. We mixed flour and baby oil and the result is a damp sand-like substance that is fun to dig in, mold and smoosh with your fingers.

Later, I packed a picnic lunch for all of us and we headed to Butler Park. Spencer rode his scooter for awhile. This was the first time I've gotten to see him ride in a park where he can really get going. He is so cute on that thing - and brave! He took a little spill and scraped his knee. It really didn't seem like a bad scrape at all, but for some reason he got extremely upset to the point that we eventually had to pack up our lunch and leave the park. I started thinking maybe he had injured himself some other way - like strained a muscle or something - but he kept saying it was just the scrape. Part of me thinks he got embarrassed about falling because there were some other people around. It was hard seeing him that upset and nothing we did helped. But before that little spill, he was a total thrasher!

Spencer and I took a stroll down to Starbucks this afternoon, too. Then he played his guitar while I practiced my clarinet for a little while. I really enjoyed having so much one-on-one time with him today. He told me, "Mommy, you're the
loviest lovey-est Mommy in the world." Sigh...
p.s. If you get emails when I update the blog, sorry for the multiple notifications. Trying to fix some weird spacing...