We've been taking a very casual approach to potty training Spencer. Just talking about it a little, letting him help flush the contents of his diaper when we can, and letting him come into the bathroom with us, etc. Week before last, he peed a little in his potty before he got into the bathtub, and now every night before bath he stands at his potty and does his business. We weren't sure whether to teach him to sit or stand, but he seemed to gravitate toward standing, and it's working out. He even puts his hands on the wall and leans against it - we're talking serious cuteness! I'm not sure if we'll have to ramp up our efforts or if this casual method will keep progressing. We just keep telling him "pee-pee goes in the potty" and "poop goes in the potty" like it's no big deal, just a fact.
I also love his honesty about bodily functions. He's announced (loudly) several times at restaurants and other public places lately, "I tooted!" And last night he made some "bubbles" in the tub. His daddy said, "Did you toot?" and Spencer replied, "Make bubbles like a fish. Maybe in booty!"
Spencer, if you are reading this years from now, I apologize if I've embarrassed you! But these things are just sweet to your mommy and I want to remember them.
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