I know last week I said things were getting more predictable, but I should've known better. The only predictable thing in Newborn Land is that once you think you have something figured out, it changes. Spencer has gone back to waking up to eat twice between 7 p.m. and 4 a.m. Considering his stats, maybe it's just a growth spurt. I miss that extra stretch of sleep, but I cherish our quiet time together in the middle of the night, too.
We went to Pine Fork last weekend to see Pop's new tractor. Dave had a blast working on the land. I had a blast taking a long, much-needed nap! And Spencer had a blast hanging with Geep and Pop...and sitting on the tractor with Daddy.

Oh yeah—I uploaded a new Picasa web album. Well, that's it for now. I just wanted to get something out there. Blogging is tough for a perfectionist...
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