Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas Morning 2013 (REVISED!)

Editor's note: I realized that I didn't include any pictures from the "big" camera in the initial post, so there are many more pics now...

Spencer was excited to see what Santa brought on Christmas morning (the video eventually comes into focus...).

We checked out the stockings next and then not too long after, Paw-Paw arrived. Besides the awesome Mining Town LEGO set and Tonka truck that Santa brought, Spencer opened another big LEGO set from Paw-Paw, a cool remote control motorcycle from Daddy, books from Mommy (The Wizard of Oz and an awesome animal book), plus games, a wallet (major big hit!) and other assorted from stuff from Mommy and Daddy. He also had the Loves' gifts to open, which included a melody harp that we're all enjoying, plus some really fun games from Taylor, Audrey and Hyelom. Aunt Renee sent Pop the Pig and a big Transformer toy, and Aunt Dianne and Uncle Scott sent a cool construction-type-set. I'm sure there's other stuff I'm forgetting, but he made out pretty well! This little guy is blessed with such generous friends and family.

I loved watching Spencer give his gifts to Daddy - a box of firestarters, an Angry Birds notebook and a leather-bound notebook. It's such a joy when you take him shopping and he sees something like that Angry Birds notebook and just knows Daddy will love it, which of course he did! For the record, Spencer picked out some great pajamas for me!

Bonus pictures: Dave with his cool Bowdoin t-shirt from the Loves, Paw-Paw with the box of hot chili worms Spencer found for him, and the aftermath!

Sidebar: Can I just say how much I love Spencer's pajamas? I've been eyeing them for a couple of years but they were kind of pricey so I had never bought them. This year I decided to just go for it because I don't know how much longer he'll wear stuff like that - and they're roomy enough that he'll probably get another year of wear out of them. Cute little elf!

After our traditional pigs in the blanket breakfast, we spent the rest of the day being lazy, doing LEGOs and playing games. We had a nice, late lunch at home with Paw-Paw and I think we all went to bed early. It was a fun Christmas Day!

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