Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Couple of Funnies

Spencer is always telling us, "Get the hang of yourself!" when he's frustrated (or when he's just being silly). I guess it's his version of "get a hold of yourself!" Cracks me up. Another thing he's been saying the last few weeks is, "They're already talking about Christmas [sigh....]." For example, if you're in a store that is already decorated for Christmas, or if you pass a tree on the side of Loop 360 that someone has put tinsel and ornaments on, they're already talking about Christmas. He must've heard me lamenting over how soon the stores start promoting it these days.

Yesterday and today at Nature's Way was the annual harvest soup lunch celebration. Dave and I both went yesterday (and he solo'ed it today). The kids decorated the tables and wrote some of the things they're thankful for. I'm glad to know that I rate right up there with cheese!

We sure are getting excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas around here. The cold temperatures really help! We're even contemplating "starting to talk about Christmas" and putting up our tree before Thursday if we have time.. 

One day over the weekend I noticed that my iPhone weather app was showing snowflakes for Monday. I wish I had a picture of Spencer's face when I showed it to him. We were eagerly awaiting some flurries, but they seem to have passed us by.

This is a very jumbled entry but that's all I got at the moment!

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