Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Major Milestone...

Spencer went to his first Texas Longhorns football game last weekend! Jenni and Mitch were kind enough to offer us their three extra tickets. We started off at a big tailgate party, which was h-o-t. Then Spencer and I met Jenni and Mitch at one of the end zone clubs. Spencer took a picture with the Hamburger Helper dude, jumped in a bouncy house for a few minutes and tried out the Rock Band video game with Mitch.

  Then Daddy met us and it was time to head over to DKR.

We weren't sure what Spencer would think of all the noise and commotion at the stadium, but he settled right in and got his horns up. Our goal was to make it long enough to see the band at halftime, but I think Spencer would've made it the whole game - especially once he switched seats and sat next to Jenni and Mitch. They sure kept him entertained and Mitch even bought him an awesome football. Since the game didn't start until 7PM and we had a long journey back to our car, we thought it would be best to head out during the 3rd quarter. Maybe we should've stayed because Ole' Miss scored twice before we made it out of the stadium parking lot...


Since we had parked really far from the stadium, Spencer had the idea of taking a "pedi-cab" back to the car. Basically a person on a bicycle hauls you around in a little cart. That was the best $10 we spent all day! Even though the Horns lost, we had a fantastic day and are so grateful to Jenni and Mitch for their generosity and for being so good to our boy. He loves them so much!

P.S. The next day we had Spencer's friend Charlie over to play and I overheard Spencer say, "Hey Charlie, see my football? My friend Mitch bought it for me at the Texas Longhorns game yesterday." He's proud of that pigskin. :)

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