Spencer had two particularly brave moments today. First, he went down the big super slide all by himself. I wish you could've seen the look on his face when his blanket started going a little sideways. That's him in the pink lane.
And Spencer's second big moment was riding a little roller coaster for the first time — the Dragon Wagon. He was a little unsure at first, but by our third loop he was saying, "Wheeeeeeee!" The picture below is the "before" shot. He was all smiles afterwards.
We also went to the petting zoo, saw the K9 Kings dog show (lame), had corndogs and lemonade for lunch, and ended the day with an ice cream cone. Spence fell asleep on the way home and I was able to get him to lie down with me in our bedroom and we ended up sleeping until 7:00! It's made for an interesting evening, but well worth it. Fun day!
That is a big leap from our park slide. Way to go Spence!!!