Friday, January 25, 2013

Quotable Quotes

Just a few quotes and things I've jotted down lately that I want to remember.
  • "Daddy, when can we go to the moon? Maybe February?"
  • "Wow, this sure has a lot of constructions!" Referring to the instruction manual on a new Lego kit.
  • After asking me to fry an egg for him one morning, he asked if I was going to cook it in a "skittle."
  • After walking around Town Lake last weekend, he asked if we could lie down in the grass because it was "a good day for cloud gazing."
  • "God won't like that. Or Britt (nature school teacher)." Expressing his concern after Daddy smashed a bug. 
  • One morning we were talking about Grannie and I said I really miss her and I wish she was still here. He said, "I bet she'd REALLY freak out if she saw how big I'm getting!"
  • On the way to school this week, we were listening to a recording of one of my recent band concerts. "Mommy, are you really playing on this CD? That's impressive!"
  • A prayer for the ages before dinner one night: "Thank you for this food and thank you for this lovely family and I love peas SO MUCH!"
  • Watching a football playoff game, he kept calling the Seahawks the "Sea Hogs" and "Sea Ravens."
  • Upon opening Daddy's wallet and pulling out his driver's license, he said with a grin, "Who's this old man?" 
I have to admit that while these are all cute, funny quotes, there are some not-so-cute and not-so-funny ones in recent memory. When moms blog, I think we tend to shy away from the negative stuff. But I must say that we are going through a phase with our boy - lots of boundaries being tested. We are all feeling frazzled. I know it's just a stage, but it's hard. These pictures from last weekend when Paw-Paw visited make me smile because they remind me of the changes in personality we experience from hour to hour!

1 comment:

  1. Pure cuteness! And hang in there Mama - trust the arc of development. You are just in the thick of it right now. He is a lucky little guy to have parents that know that, even if they feel frazzled.
