Saturday, July 7, 2012

4th of July Recap

Daddy left for California early on the 4th, kicking off a 5-day Spencer and Mommy hangout. It's rare for us to have so much one-on-one time, so I've really been enjoying it.

We had such a busy 4th of July. We went to our neighborhood parade in the morning. Spencer wore the crown he made at school and his Super Spencer cape. He alternated between riding in the stroller and walking, but either way he waved to the crowd and waved his little flag the whole time. The parade ended at Barton Hills Elementary, where there was a party with watermelon, cookies and ice cream. Unfortunately, the ice cream was gone before we tried to get some, so we went to Central Market for gelato afterward (at 10:30 AM - oh my!).

We rested at home for a few hours, then went to the "sometimes annual" Trahan-Hill 4th of July bash. Spencer had fun running around with Sarah and getting tattoos.

There was a HUGE waterslide. I was proud of Spencer - he really wanted to try it but wasn't so sure about going all the way to the top. The big boys were flying down that thing and slamming into the wall so that was a little intimidating. So Spencer climbed half-way up and Elliott lifted him over the side. It was a good way to experience it the first time. He did that twice then was ready to get out of his wet swimsuit.

We got home from the party around 7:30 PM. Spencer had been talking about going to the fireworks show for several days. I was dog-tired, but he said he wanted to go so I gave him a quick bath then we headed to Zilker Park. I missed the memo that the fireworks extravaganza is no longer held at Zilker - it's over by the Long Center...but we could still see the fireworks fine, just no symphony. We cuddled on a blanket and ooohed and ahhhhed at the show and had fun getting surprised by all the "pretend fireworks," which is what Spencer called the Roman candles and firecrackers that people were setting off around us in the park.

Spencer was asleep before we got out of the parking lot. A big day for our little guy.

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