Friday, April 29, 2011

More Quotable Quotes / Sleep Update

I have been getting such a kick out of Spencer's comments lately. I love how verbal he is and how he's starting to do a lot of imaginative play. Here are a few gems I jotted down this week.
  • When Geep arrived for her visit this week Spencer told her, "Susan is in her office."
  • While chomping down on his chocolate Easter bunny: "I LOVE CHOCOLATE!" (Oh boy...)
  • Random comment to Daddy: "We live in Austin. We have Henry and Olive."
  • While we were playing with cars yesterday:
    Spencer: "He's going to pay now."
    Mommy: "What's he buying?"
    Spencer: "He's buying some stuff for you."
    Mommy: "Oooh! Like what?"
    Spencer: "He's buying you a tool. A big saw."
  • While we were getting ready for bed last night: "I'm gonna squeeze the lotion in my hands and rub it on my body by myself. That's the plan, okay? That's not your job. That's my job." (Well, alrighty then!)
  • During the royal wedding: "Where's the queen and that guy?"
So, I haven't given a sleep update lately. We've had our ups and downs with the big boy bed. Sometimes it's a struggle to get him to stay in the bed, and other times he goes right to sleep with no problem and doesn't get up to roam around. Last night, Dave and I were watching TV when we heard a very quiet sound... Spencer was sitting on the steps leading down to the den. Not sure how long he'd been there. We're worried once he realizes we watch TV after he goes to bed we'll never keep him in his room! He's also  had a few episodes of sleep walking...not all that surprising considering he's my son.

On a very positive note, Jenni babysat Spencer Monday night and she got him to sleep with no problems whatsoever! This was the first time someone other than us or his grandparents had done the nighttime ritual. Very encouraging indeed!

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