Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Changing Every Day

It seems like Spencer is changing more and more every day. Dave and I are constantly asking each other, "Did you know he could do that?" or "Does he look taller today?" Figuring out how to turn the crank on his jack-in-the-box. Filling in words in his favorite bedtime stories. Stringing a few words together ("Mama, car, home" or "Dada, shoes, walk"). Dancing with us after breakfast. And even showing some, shall we say, strong will from time to time. Our little guy really is growing up fast!

I had a neat moment with him at the playground last week. I found myself making a conscious effort not to hover too much while he was on the playground, and the next thing I knew, he climbed up and went down the slide all by himself for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Such a little man! I love that hat, and I am taking it he does too!
