Monday, March 30, 2009

Teething Report

Spencer has his first tooth. It's not all the way in yet, so it's tricky to get photo evidence, but I'll keep trying. I first felt it about two weeks ago (5.5 months) while he was gnawing on my fingers. I finally saw it a few days later. He's been a bit restless at night, which is understandable - it must hurt for a tooth to erupt. We've been giving him Hyland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets and they seem to give him some relief. Watching him "eat" those tablets makes me think we're not going to have a hard time introducing solids to the boy... I also ordered a cool maple teething ring from and he loves chewing on it (see before and after below).

Grannie came back for a few days to hang out with Spencer while David worked on a spur-of-the-moment job. What a major help to us, and lots of fun for Spencer (and Grannie!). Spencer and I also went to Columbus for Great-Grandma Rives' 93rd birthday. We'll be seeing Geep and Pop this weekend to celebrate Geep's birthday.

I took Spencer to postnatal yoga yesterday. When we went several months ago, I feared they would ask us never to return! But he did so much better this time - he giggled and played and had so much fun. Doing yoga with a 20-plus pounder is quite a workout for me, too. I need all the arm muscle I can build to handle him!

The March photo album has been updated. Teaser for next time: Daddy just left to make a purchase that all three of us are going to love!

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