I used to think new parents were just unorganized when they said they never had time to do basic things like check email, return calls or brush their teeth. I stand corrected! Now that things have settled down a little, I am determined to get this blog going to document the life and times of Spencer. So here's a recap as we hit the 8-week mark...
Spencer Michael was born Monday, October 6, 2008 at 6:28 pm in Austin, Texas. He weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces and was 21.5 inches long.

We came home from Seton Hospital on Saturday the 11th, just in time for Spencer to learn the important lesson that OU sucks.
Here are some other highlights of Spencer's first two months:

David and I are so in love with our little boy and can't wait to share more photos and stories with you. Our new video camera and two digital cameras will be arriving this week, so stay tuned!
- We spent the first few weeks just figuring out our new life with Spencer. David was amazing — he had to take care of me during my recovery while also doing just about everything except feeding Spence. What an awesome husband and father!
- GranPatty ("Geep") Horridge stayed with us the first week and really whipped our house into shape and made sure we ate. Grannie Rives came the following week — she was so disappointed that her broken wrist kept her from picking up Spencer!
- We had lots of visitors and were blessed with a constant stream of food from the "Gravy Trains" set up by Rachel and Tracy.
- On 10/16 Spencer had his first visit with Dr. Bayer. He weighed 10 pounds, which the doctor said was exceptional! I was relieved to know that breastfeeding was going well.
- Spencer met his Great-Grandmother Rives on 10/13 and Great-Grandmother Hill on 11/22.
- On 10/29 we ventured out for our first non-medical outing — breakfast at Central Market.
- Spencer had his first real bath on 10/30 and loved it.
- Halloween marked a major milestone: Spencer's first Tex-Mex. He's been to Casa Garcia's three times so far.
- 11/4: Election day. Hooray!
- At Spencer's 1-month checkup, he weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces. A healthy boy!
- We took our first overnight trip on 11/9. We joined Geep and Pop at Pine Fork, where we rocked on the porch for hours.
- We returned to the ranch for Thanksgiving, where we spent two relaxing days with Geep, Pop and the Bullocks.

David and I are so in love with our little boy and can't wait to share more photos and stories with you. Our new video camera and two digital cameras will be arriving this week, so stay tuned!